HCF Sanctuary in Kahaluu, Oahu
Thanks to a generous donation used as downpayment, HCF acquired a lush 1.2 acre property in rural Kahaluu in 2002.
The property is nestled in a beautiful valley near the Koolau mountains. There are many tropical fruit trees and flowers to shade the property. Numerous Banana, Noni, Coconut, Papaya, Avocado, are some of the fruit trees there. Many different species of Ginger, Heleconia, Bird of Paradise and other tropical flowers abound. We have created a safe area for the cats that includes using natural elements as secure boundaries where ever possible. HCF's goal is to provide an enriched natural environment for the 250 cats who reside there. HCF also plans a learning center that will provide educational projects promoting responsible lifetime commitments for community youth groups. Watch our website to follow our progress!
HCF is seeking donations to meet its mortgage payments and operation costs. The cost to HCF of providing a no-kill sanctuary for Oahu’s cats are about $10,000 per month.
Your donations are the sole source of income to cover these costs. 100% of your donations go directly to help the cats. HCF is an all volunteer organization, so there are no administration costs or salaries paid. Any monetary donation is greatly appreciated!
Future fundraising plans include bake sales, garage sales, and other community projects. If you can volunteer for these special events or have household items to donate for the HCF garage sales, please contact HCF.