About Us

HCF Programs Help Hawaii’s Feral Cats

HCF TNRM Program: This program is a proven effective method for the humane reduction of the feral/stray cat population. Responsible volunteer caretakers use humane traps to transport all feral/stray cats in the colonies they are caring for to be neutered/microchipped at the participating veterinarian or agency. Following this procedure, the caretakers return the cats to their colony environment. Following responsible guidelines, the caretakers continue to provide daily care for the feral/stray cats. HCF assists the caretakers in trapping and advocacy activities. Trapping/caretaker training is available. HCF also provides mediation in caretaker/landowner disputes. To date, HCF volunteers have spayed/neutered over 5,000 cats throughout O’ahu, thus preventing many thousands of kittens from being born.

HCF Educational Program: HCF participates in such public events as the Hawaii Pet Expo, Aloha Festivals, organized cat fancier exhibitions, and other appropriate events where the opportunity exists to promote responsible pet ownership, emphasizing the importance of neutering pet cats, as well as community ferals/strays. Information is provided regarding available low-cost spay/neuter programs for owned cats and resources/referrals for assistance with community ferals/strays as part of a TNRM program.

HCF also works directly with social clubs, civic organizations, church groups, and the U.S. military, as well as public and private elementary schools, to provide TNRM information so that these groups may assist their local community and neighborhoods.

HCF also administers and/or assists with sanctioned TNRM activities on college campuses, including the successful TNRM program begun on Chaminade University campus in 1992. HCF is currently in the process of developing a program to assist pre-veterinary students with obtaining useful experience relevant to humane feral cat management in the community, complementing their academic education with practical experience gained from participation in HCF program activities.

HCF Adoption/Sanctuary Program: A limited admission sanctuary for 100-150 cats is maintained in the rural Kahaluu-Kaneohe area on 1.19 acres. A smaller facility is maintained in the area of Manoa-Kaimuki. All sanctuary cats are spayed/neutered, FIV-FeLV tested, vaccinated, microchipped, and provided responsible daily care by trained staff and volunteers. The necessary veterinary care is provided by licensed veterinarians. Adoptable cats are healthy and sociable. There is a nominal adoption fee. Cats considered unadoptable are provided with responsible lifetime care at the HCF sanctuary. Lifetime residents of the sanctuary include cats who are physically challenged or have behavioral problems. These cats have adapted well to sanctuary living and provide inspiration to volunteers, or anyone else who encounters them.

Contact the HCF Adoption Program.

HCF policy regarding euthanasia: Euthanasia is administered only as a means of alleviating suffering from an injury or illness from which the cat cannot recover or has no chance of rehabilitation. It is never used to manage the population of the sanctuary; hence, the limited admission status of the sanctuary: admission is on a space-available basis, with preference given to cats found by active HCF volunteers.

HCF Fundraising/Sanctuary Development: Sanctuary development refers to the research and further development of areas of the sanctuary property that will better enhance the cats’ cageless environment, providing physical as well as psychological enrichment for long-term well-being.

The costs to HCF of providing a no-kill sanctuary for Oahu’s cats are about $10,000 per month. Your donations are the sole source of income to cover these costs. HCF receives no government funding. 100% of donations go directly to help the cats. 

Various activities are planned annually to raise funds to support HCF activities. Such activities include: periodic garage sales, exhibit and table appeals, car wash, bake sales, etc.

Spay/Neuter Clinics: To further support TNRM programs, HCF hosts a spay/neuter clinic for 40-50 cats quarterly. Your private donations support the costs, which are about $25 per cat.

HCF maintains an informational website at www.hicat.org.

HCF provides the various media with accurate information regarding humane feral/stray cat management.